March 2021 – Conception

It’s time to turn this side hustle into a legitimate business! This taste of independence has fuelled a desire to have a go at making a proper living from this. I have the knowledge and experience to consider myself more than capable of taking it to the next level so here it is.

This month has been spent setting up the admin side of things properly, registering as a real business and getting my hands on a few more machines, and getting them ready to get to work.

I never imagined it would take so much time but I guess when I think about it, I am doing the jobs of many people at once, from director to accountant to floor sweeper upper…

Thanks to all the people who have encouraged me to make a go of this; my partner Jade, my friend and mentor, Capper and my family.


3D printers can be quite finicky. It takes a lot of fine tuning to get them to the point now where they produce reliable results.

Gallery - The evolution of the Lannix Design logo

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