Emmet’s Room Sign

When my son was born it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. He inspires me to keep going with my work in the hope that I’ll make him proud to be my son.

A fun little project I decided to build was a bedroom door sign for him inspired by the Back To The Future movies. I’d been experimenting with colour changing 3D printing and since I already had the colours it was a no-brainer. Being a more artistic style 3D model it presented some challenges and required the use of Blender to post-process before printing but overall it was an enjoyable project.

I made a YouTube short that skimmed over the process of making the sign so check it out if you’re interested.

EDIT: I’ve entered the model in the ‘Typography Fun!’ competition on Printables.com. Click the Printables logo below to take a look at the model on their site and download if your named Emmet or know someone with the name!

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

Gallery - Emmet's Room Door Sign
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