I’ve traditionally just found a bunch of pictures I like (usually of cars) to use for my computers desktop wallpaper. I’ve had triple monitors for a few years now but I never thought, until recently, to look for a wallpaper that spans across all three as one long picture. A quick search online for triple 4K resolution wallpapers found that either they weren’t actually 4K or they just weren’t very good. The one that I found that I did like was locked behind a paywall…
The version with cars on our triple 4K monitor setup.
I’ve been mucking around with Blender the last couple of weeks making a video for our YouTube channel and suddenly had the idea that I could make my own wallpaper in whatever resolution I wanted. I liked the brick wall render I made for the main page of the website so I decided to use that blender file as a base and add a few personal touches.
I got carried away with lights inspired by the colours of the YouTube logo and couldn’t resist adding some cars in there as well. I actually didn’t think about sharing the images while I was making them but it dawned on me that someone else might enjoy them, so here they are.
Brick Wallpaper
A simple, stylized brick wall with the Lannix Design sign glowing away. Teal and orange spotlights glow to create a nice ambience.
Brick Wallpaper With Cars In Silhouette
The same background but this time offered with two of my favourite cars in silhouette. It features the Nissan S30 240Z and the BMW E30 M3. The effect is subtle and mysterious.
I hope you enjoy the wallpapers. If you have any tips or suggestions for more wallpapers, let me know. I enjoyed making them and don’t need much of an excuse to try some more!