Insulating & Lining The Shed – Part 2

It’s been a while since I’ve released a new YouTube video but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten my viewers! It’s just a matter of having limited time to get jobs done and filming it all near enough doubles the time it takes to do those jobs. But hey, it is what it is and I’m still enjoying both getting work done on the shed and making videos about it.

This video is all about insulating and lining the shed walls using a polymer based insulation batt and sheets of 9mm ply. I’ve included as many tips as I can to make the video interesting enough to anyone butt mostly to those interested in lining their own shed.

So I hope you enjoy the video and will return to see more in future. Once the shed is done it’ll be time o move on to some more interesting projects including decking out the workshop, starting work on my rack car and other woodworking and metalworking shenanigans.

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Check out the first video in the series if you haven’t already. It covers insulating the ceiling and building a timber frame for a partition wall.

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