Guide – Lannix Design Welcome To Lannix Design Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:22:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Guide – Lannix Design 32 32 Layout Your Picture Collage With A Spreadsheet – Downloads! Tue, 04 Feb 2025 21:30:22 +0000

We’ve been wondering what to do with the big blank wall in our loungeroom for some time now. We had an all-in-one picture frame collage thing we found at the meatball place hanging on the wall on our son’s room and that gave us the idea that we should make a real collage using our own frames. So that’s what we did!

Having an engineering background using CAD and spreadsheets, I naturally turned to those tools to help lay the collage out. I figured others could benefit from those tools too so I’ve made a video guide to making a picture collage and using a spreadsheet to precisely calculate where on the wall to put your picture hooks (or screws as in my case).

I’ve made the spreadsheet available here for anyone who thinks they could use it to make a collage for themselves. i’ve included both the blank spreadsheet and the one I used myself with the dimensions of all the frames I used.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

I’ve also included the Fusion 360 files so that those of you with access to the CAD software can use that as well. 

Take a look at my previous video on building the shelves around the TV if you haven’t already. It’s one of my personal favourites!

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Epoxy Coating The Shed Floor – Shed Build – Part 4 Tue, 03 Oct 2023 21:30:49 +0000

I’ve been uploading YouTube video tutorials on 3D modelling and animation lately since I’ve had limited capacity for IRL projects. Now the shed is finally built, I’ll hopefully be able to get more practical content for you, although I’ll be using 3D modelling to visualize and plan out upcoming projects.

If you’re curious about what it takes to coat a concrete floor with a durable epoxy coating, check out my latest offering on YouTube. I’ve covered cleaning and preparation as well as the application of the epoxy from Dy-Mark. I’ve tried hard to make the video entertaining and informative at the same time since a lot of practical tutorial videos are either pretty dry or don’t have a lot of production value.

Please enjoy and let me know if you have any feedback to help me create better videos for you!

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

If you haven’t yet, check out our introduction video for the shed series. There will be more to come as we add linings to the walls and ceiling and deck it out for getting into the long list of upcoming projects.

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Make Your Own Triple 4K Wallpaper In Blender! Tue, 19 Sep 2023 21:30:09 +0000

I’ve really been enjoying creating content for YouTube using Blender lately. A few weeks ago I uploaded some wallpapers I made for my triple screen displays so that anyone could enjoy them. Making them inspired the idea to create a tutorial on how to make them yourself so that the viewer could easily play around with the scene and produce whatever they wanted with the free assets provided.

So at last, on Friday the tutorial video was uploaded to YouTube for all to watch and hopefully enjoy. If you watched the video, please let me know what you thought of it. I’m keen to create the best content I can and have limited feedback on what I’ve made so far.

I’m trying to move into more of the DIY style content at this stage but there will still be some CAD and Blender elements to the videos. 

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

If you want to follow along with the tutorial, you’ll need to download the free asset pack I made for it. Click the button to go to the download page!

If you ain’t got time for that, click the image above to download a free triple 4K wallpaper I prepared earlier!

If you haven’t yet, check out our previous videos where we make the logo in Fusion 360 and then animate the logo in Blender. They’re both great tutorials for beginners in 3D modelling and animation.

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Designing Our Logo In Fusion 360 Tue, 01 Aug 2023 21:30:38 +0000

This week we’ve uploaded a video where you can learn how to use the text function and render a logo in Autodesk Fusion 360. You may find inspiration for your own logo and realize the versatility of using text in 3D modeling.

Stay tuned for the next installment where we export the 3D model to Blender to really amp up the rendering!

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

A screenshot of the model after it was exported and tweaked in Blender

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Quick Guide – Install An Eyelet Curtain Tue, 23 May 2023 21:30:08 +0000

More renovations! See how we installed an eyelet curtain in our kitchen. There may be another video on curtain installs soon since I’m not sure about the look of these eyelet jobbies. 

Don’t worry, I have better ideas for content. This is all I can film at this point!

Check out the 37 second long clip. It’s neato burrito!

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

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How To Install A TradCo Door Handle Tue, 16 May 2023 21:30:56 +0000

Most of my spare time has been spent renovating our house lately so I thought I’d try documenting the process. I’ve made a video that I thought may be helpful for some people who are interested in trying some DIY work on their own house.

Tradco door handles look great in older Australian homes. Since we’ve tried to style our house like a modern interpretation of the classic Queenslander style house, we’ve chosen one of the Tradco door handles that looks the part.

Check out the video if you’re interested in these handles and find out about some of the traps that come with them!

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

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Upgrading The Blue Prusa – How-To Guide Tue, 14 Feb 2023 21:30:51 +0000

The blue Prusa we built for the assembly guide blog has been working nicely for a while now. There is always room for improvement though so we’ve decided to showcase this little upgrade that has proved to aid in print quality on our other Prusas.


To obtain the best print quality, especially when your model has overhangs, you need to cool the printed material as soon as possible after it leaves the heated nozzle. While the standard Prusa duct is adequate for most jobs, gains can be had by replacing it.

This air duct assembly by teookie on Prusa’s was designed using CFD analysis to predict air flow characteristics and is designed to replace the standard Prusa ducting. Instead of the air flow coming from one just the front of the standard duct, the replacement part has the flow split into two and directed from either side of the print area. When printed in a high temperature filament such as PETG or ABS it is able to withstand the heat of the hotend.

Disassembling the standard cooling fan brackets

The upgraded part found on


This is a simple upgrade for anyone who owns a Prusa Mk3S or MK3S+. It requires no wiring or special tools. In fact it uses only some of the spare nuts and bolt that you will have received with the printer. The cost is only a few cents worth of filament and about 15 minutes of your time.

I’d recommend doing this for anyone with the Prusa. Click on the screenshot above or the link below to download the 3D models.

I’ll have more for you next week! Bye.

Gallery - Replacing the cooling fan ducting

Check out the Prusa build guide
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Prusa i3 MK3S+ Build Guide – Part 8 – Final! Tue, 08 Nov 2022 21:30:00 +0000

This is it! The final installment of our Prusa i3 MK3S+ build guide. All that’s left to do is plug in all the cables and run some calibrations and the 3D printer will be ready for action. A video version of the build guide is linked below on our YouTube channel.

Many have trouble with the wiring process so I have attempted to highlight as well as possible where all the connectors plug in.

I hope this has been useful to those that have used this as a supplementary guide to assist with assembling your Prusa MK3. I’ll have more next week. Happy printing!

The fully assembled 3D printer, ready for calibration.

Gallery - Electronics Assembly - Connecting The Cables 1

Prusa Guide Page 114 (Step 21)

Gallery - Electronics Assembly - Connecting The Cables 2

Prusa Guide Page 121 (Step 34)

Gallery - Preflight Check

Prusa Guide Page 128 (Step 1)

Video - Z Height Calibration

Now that the 3D printer is fully assembled and the Preflight check is complete, you can run through the calibration process. Plug the printer into mains power and turn on the switch. You’ll be prompted to run the automatic calibration sequence which takes around ten minutes and is super simple. The final step is the Z height calibration shown in the video below.

Timelapse video of the Z height calibration sequence.

Check out the previous parts of the Prusa build
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Prusa i3 MK3S+ Build Guide – Part 7 Tue, 01 Nov 2022 21:30:43 +0000

If you’ve been following our Prusa build guide, no doubt you’ve been hanging on the edge of your seat waiting for our next installment. The long awaited wiring guide is now here. 

Use this guide in conjunction with your included Prusa MK3S+ guide to build yourself an nifty 3D printer. This installment only deals with the cable routing so stay tuned to see how to plug the wires into the motherboard.

Cables routed, ready to plug into the Einsy board.

Gallery - Electronics Assembly - Cable Routing

Prusa Guide Page 102
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Fixing A Clogged 3D Printer – The Cold Pull Tue, 18 Oct 2022 21:30:16 +0000

Once in a while everyone who uses a 3D printer will be faced with a clogged nozzle. It’s frustrating when you come back to a finished print and the top of your model is missing but it is a pretty simple process to unclog and start again.

Before going into the treatment, let’s touch on what causes clogs in the first place. There are a number of ways the nozzle can become clogged such as dust or contaminants from the atmosphere getting into the print head, contaminants in the filament itself or possibly parts of the 3D printer that have worn off and fallen into the mix.

We had a clogged nozzle on one of our Prusa Mk3s recently so I thought it’d be a good opportunity to document the unclogging process to help out others in the same pickle.

Follow the step-by-step pictorial guide to get your 3D printer back up and running.

The cold pull is your friend when faced with a clogged nozzle.

Gallery - Pictorial Guide To The Cold Pull

The cold pull isn’t always effective in getting rid of clogs but 95% of the time it’ll do the trick. I’ll try to document the process of dealing with more stubborn clogs if we come across one again in the future. For now, all is well with the printers.

Renovations are underway at the new house at the time of writing. The living area needs the most attention at this point so that we can move in at the end of November. The new Lannix design workshop will be the next priority after that’s done. There has been a deliberate slow-down in CAD and 3D printing jobs since my energy needs to be focused on getting the house ready. I’ll still be posting regular blogs though so until next week, happy printing!

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