YouTube – Lannix Design Welcome To Lannix Design Wed, 12 Feb 2025 00:22:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 YouTube – Lannix Design 32 32 Layout Your Picture Collage With A Spreadsheet – Downloads! Tue, 04 Feb 2025 21:30:22 +0000

We’ve been wondering what to do with the big blank wall in our loungeroom for some time now. We had an all-in-one picture frame collage thing we found at the meatball place hanging on the wall on our son’s room and that gave us the idea that we should make a real collage using our own frames. So that’s what we did!

Having an engineering background using CAD and spreadsheets, I naturally turned to those tools to help lay the collage out. I figured others could benefit from those tools too so I’ve made a video guide to making a picture collage and using a spreadsheet to precisely calculate where on the wall to put your picture hooks (or screws as in my case).

I’ve made the spreadsheet available here for anyone who thinks they could use it to make a collage for themselves. i’ve included both the blank spreadsheet and the one I used myself with the dimensions of all the frames I used.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

I’ve also included the Fusion 360 files so that those of you with access to the CAD software can use that as well. 

Take a look at my previous video on building the shelves around the TV if you haven’t already. It’s one of my personal favourites!

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Insulating & Lining The Shed – Part 5 Tue, 21 Jan 2025 21:30:15 +0000

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

It’s finally finished! The shed has at last been painted and is now ready for some storage and to move all the tools into it. It’s been a long time coming and there have been quite a few obstacles to overcome but we got there in the end.

I needed a lockable door handle for the entry door and it was looking to be an expensive excursion but, I found a way around it that cost almost nothing. Luckily I had an old door handle around that I could pillage for parts and using the welder, I managed to get it working.

Watch as I prepare the timber feature wall and apply the finishing coats of oil. I found the oiling process to be quite satisfying and I think you will too.

Check out the previous videos in the series. Part 2 has become one of our most popular videos. I’m glad my audience is enjoying my work after so much effort was put into it. 

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Insulating & Lining The Shed – Part 4 Tue, 26 Nov 2024 21:30:07 +0000

Did I mention that I hate painting? That’s something you need to know about me. I guess that’s my excuse for our latest video taking so long to be finished.

I guess the way I did it was a little unorthodox but it certainly left me with a much cleaner finish than I would have had I listened to conventional painting discourse. 

So anyway, I’ve spent the last few months chipping away at the trim in the shed in the hopes of creating the oasis away from everyday life that I’ve been dreaming of. Then I took a bunch of it back down to paint it and screwed it back up. Sometimes I felt like I was going around in circles but finally I’ve reached the end. At least as far as painting goes.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

It’s nearly finished in regards to linings and it’s really coming together now. All that’s left is to oil up that timber wall and build some workbenches. Also some shelves and mobile workbenches. And organise storage. And install my big machines…

Who am I kidding? There’s so much left to do.

Check out the previous videos in the series. Part 2 has become one of our most popular videos. I’m glad my audience is enjoying my work after so much effort was put into it. 

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Insulating & Lining The Shed – Part 3 Tue, 06 Aug 2024 21:30:43 +0000

The shed fitout is really starting to come together now that all the wall linings are up. The timber feature wall was quite the monumental task as it turned out. I’m really happy with how it turned out though. It really captures the rustic look I was going for. Check out the video to see how it turned out for yourself.

The fourth and final stage has already begun, having acquired the timber trim pieces I need to tidy up the look of the place. Once that’s all up it will be time to paint it all. I’m thinking the back wall will be black and the rest of them an off-white colour. The timber wall will receive a nice coat of oil to bring out the grain colours.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

I’m looking forward to getting all that done and finally moving on to decking out the workshop with some workbenches and shelves so I can move all my tools in there permanently. Of course, that will all be documented in video format on our YouTube channel and probably a few updates here on our website blog.

See you out there!

Check out the previous videos in the series. Part 2 has become one of our most popular videos. I’m glad my audience is enjoying my work after so much effort was put into it. 

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Insulating & Lining The Shed – Part 2 Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:30:27 +0000

It’s been a while since I’ve released a new YouTube video but that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten my viewers! It’s just a matter of having limited time to get jobs done and filming it all near enough doubles the time it takes to do those jobs. But hey, it is what it is and I’m still enjoying both getting work done on the shed and making videos about it.

This video is all about insulating and lining the shed walls using a polymer based insulation batt and sheets of 9mm ply. I’ve included as many tips as I can to make the video interesting enough to anyone butt mostly to those interested in lining their own shed.

So I hope you enjoy the video and will return to see more in future. Once the shed is done it’ll be time o move on to some more interesting projects including decking out the workshop, starting work on my rack car and other woodworking and metalworking shenanigans.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

Check out the first video in the series if you haven’t already. It covers insulating the ceiling and building a timber frame for a partition wall.

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Insulating & Lining The Shed – Part 1 Tue, 30 Apr 2024 21:30:29 +0000

Wow, it’s been slow progress with all things shed related. I’ve been plugging away at the insulation in the roof and I’ve managed to build the frame of the partition wall that will separate the garage from the main workshop area. It’s been a while since my last upload but I feel like I haven’t stopped working on the many projects I have planned that will become YouTube videos.

I hope you enjoy this video despite the sight of my belly hanging out of my shirt. The follow-up to this one will feature the wall insulation and linings. The Northern wall will be treated to a covering shiplap hoop pine planks that we pulled out of the house during renovations. I’ve been running them through the thicknesser and table saw to get them ready to screw to the wall. I hope it looks as cool as I envisage in my head. 


Check out the link from our YouTube channel

For more shed related shenanigans, watch the video below featuring ‘The Vinyl Flake Container Medley’ thanks to Monteith’s Black.

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Update: Fully CGI Shed Workshop Layout Design! Tue, 26 Mar 2024 21:30:42 +0000

Since the relatively brand-new camera has succumbed to injuries sustained during an altercation with a coffee table, I had some time on my hands. I’d always had it in mind to make a 3D model of the shed and create a layout for the workshop in virtual space before laying down any cold hard cash for shelving, workbenches and/or materials to complete the job. So that’s what I’ve been working on the last few weeks.

As some of you may already know, I like to dabble in 3D animation using Blender and I’ve already used it to create the intro and transition sequences for my YouTube videos. This project has so far proved to be far more ambitious than I originally thought. The detailed shed model took about a week to recreate in virtual space and includes working roller doors and accurately represented colours using details from the manufacturer.

The shed model was just the start of it though. The opening sequence required houses, trees and other details around the yard to be modelled and, being a stickler for details, the materials needed to match their real-life counterparts as accurately as possible. Then, because I like to punish myself, the shed was animated to assemble itself while the camera was moving down the driveway and into the back yard.

A screenshot from the YouTube shorts preview I uploaded to my personal channel.

Click the image to see the video!

This entire sequence took around three weeks from the start of modelling until the twenty second clip was fully rendered. I’ve uploaded a low res preview version to my personal YouTube since I’m keen to get it out there. Click the image above to check it out.

The upside to having sunk all that time into creating accurate models is that they can be reused for subsequent clips, greatly reducing the time to set them up. The downside is that rendering clips in 4K resolution takes a long time. The opening sequence took three overnight sessions to render the 600 frames and it seems that subsequent sequences are taking even longer. I’ve taken measures to optimise the scenes for faster rendering times but I’ll need to get more serious about it if the video is going to be completed this year! It’s not surprising that companies like Pixar and Dreamworks have entire floors of buildings filled with computers dedicated to rendering animated clips.

Although I am happy with the quality of the rendered images, I realise there is room for improvement and I’m hoping to hone my craft for upcoming projects like the office under the house and my bar and games room layout. So subscribe to our main channel if you’re keen to see the end result of what I assume will be months of 3D modelling and rendering, you can see some progress pics in the gallery below.

Smell ya later!

Gallery - Fully CGI Shed Workshop Layout Design!

If you need more shed related content, check out the video below where I lay down an epoxy coating on the concrete floor! The lining and insulation video will be up as soon as it’s done and there’ll be more to follow as I’m working on setting out all the workbenches and tools virtually to hopefully find the optimal layout for the shed before forking over any cash!

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Building A Pirate Treasure Chest For My Son Tue, 16 Jan 2024 21:30:08 +0000

I had the idea to build a treasure chest for Emmet months ago before the shed was even built. Leading up to the Christmas break, I thought I had plenty of time to get it done but then the renovation project came up, where Jade had decided to take a week off work so we could make a start on it. I managed to get the treasure chest done though, getting the final coat of oil on it the day before we were due to leave to spend Christmas with my family.

I’m quite proud of this one, and I hope when he’s older, Emmet will be proud of me too. I put a lot of work into designing and building the chest and I hope it comes across that way when you watch the video.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

If you think I did alright and would like to make a treasure chest for yourself of a loved one, I’ve made the fabrication drawings available on our online store for a couple of bucks. Check out the link below if you’re interested in grabbing a copy! We really appreciate your support!

For more woodworking content, check out the video below where I build a set of shelves around our TV to spruce up the lounge room.

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Merry Christmas From Lannix Design! Sun, 24 Dec 2023 21:30:07 +0000

Merry Christmas from all of us here at Lannix Design! We’ll be back in the new year with some new projects.

Check out our YouTube channel to see what my little man Emmet received for Christmas!

Original Artwork by Nick

For some people the holidays can be a not so festive time. If you’re at a point where you feel you need to talk to someone regarding your mental state, please get in contact with Beyond Blue or any support network that may be able to help you in a time of need.

Take care of yourself, friend.

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Renovating The Front Verandah – Part 1 Tue, 19 Dec 2023 21:30:34 +0000

Finally, we’ve been able to start on the second stage of our home renovation project. Come and join us while we get busy transforming our neglected verandah into an ensuite for us, an office for our son and a new front porch for our visitors.

In part one of this renovation project, we tackle the ceiling insulation, or lack of, by building new rafters and battens to hold up the insulation while we work. Following that, we get into the real stuff, replacing the floorboards and some missing joists to create a sturdy platform for some new walls, doors and windows.

Our goal for our five day intensive worker bee, was to get the place ready for our electrician and plumber to come and run their cables and pipes. Spoiler alert! We did it and we’re excited to get back into it over the Christmas break. We’ll be sure to film any progress we make in the meantime.

Check out the link from our YouTube channel

For more renovation style content, check out the video below where I build a set of shelves around our TV to spruce up the lounge room.

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